
"Take Me To Tha Penthouse Suite!"

For One More Post I'm Gonna just Relax and Take a Back Seat.
Truly, and I Do Mean Truly, Today Was Eye-Opening...And Truly Neat!
I Feel like Getting Loose on My Lifestyle and Tha Happenings That Indicate a Life So Unique.
But We're Gonna Hold Back...Just One More Time On What's Been Tickling Me Pink.

Love.  Huh.  Should I Even Get Started on That Topic Again?
Seems Like I've Wrote Everythang I Know on it...Except...'I Win.'
Nights Where U Think About Calling Up Ur Good Ol' Buddies Mr. Juice and Ms. Gin.
Like U've Been Swimming in This Water For a Grip, and Fatigue Has Hit Ur Fins.

As I Stated Before, I Feel Better Than Ever...And Yes, That is a Direct Quote.
Yet, I Feel Tha Need 2 Write On This Night...To Jot a Small, Little Post-It Note.
Cuz My Life is Getting Pretty Good Right Now...But Somebody Else May Feel like Luv Stinks, and They are About 2 Croak.
So I'm Just Gonna Jot a Few Lessons on How To Continue On, Whether Ur Days or Nights are Filled With Tha Fantasy of a Playboy Playmate Stroke.

Recently, and Seemingly Throughout My Life, People Have Told Me So Much About This Date Game.
Where I Should Go....How To Approach...How A Guy Should Never Share Unwanted Blame.
Been Krazy Peeps!  And I Didn't Understand...Why are Not Only Guys But Beautiful Women Giving Me Insider Tips like Martha Stewart was My Mother's Name.
Much as Been Invested in Me, To Make Sure I Do This Thang Right...Gotta Admit There was a Point Where I Couldn't Stand Anymore Without Tha Use of a Cane.

Why Doesn't This Gurl See?  How Come Tha Timings Always Wrong?  When Was Tha Last Time I Met a Sexy Gurl That Didn't Have a Bee Ef?
It's Like U Attract Tha Coolest and Tha Sexiest Dolls Around...Only For Tha End of Those Friendships To Go Numb and Completely Def.
It Can Have U Questioning...Geezz...Maybe it is a Crying Shame To Have All These Dime Pieces in My Life...Maybe I Should Place a Call To Hugh Hef!
You Get Tired of Tha Game So To Speak...And The Feeling of "Here We Go Again"...I Shoulda Knew Tha Game Was Whack When I Saw Cupid Walk Out on Tha Court as Tha Head Ref.

During These Periods I Would Come Home and Think...This Just Doesn't Make Any Sense...If I'm So Cool Or Hot, Then How Come This Episode Keeps Staying On Repeat?
Tha Type Where You Already know Tha Ending To Tha Story...I Mean, How Many Times Has Law and Order actually Ended Up in Ruthless Defeat?
Everythang Around U Gets Magnified...Like...I Eat a Strict Diet, but Perhaps I Should Just Blend in with Everybody Else and Splurge on White Rice and Red Meat.
When U Feel like Ur Losing, When U Shouldn't Be...That's When Ur Soul and Ego Takes a Hit...How Come Everybody Else is Playing and I'm Left Up in Tha Nose Bleed Seats?

I've Had Tha Pleasure...Or Agony (Ha Ha!)...Of Watching all of My Close Buds Whom I Love Get Married, Have Kids, or Close To Walking Down Tha Aisle.
Going To a Wedding By Urself, is an Adventure...In a Way...Cuz Eyes Are On U Thinking, "Let's Enjoy This Wedding, and Dance Tha Nite Away Cuz If U Want To Attend Galaxia's...It Truly Might Be Awhile!"
Inside Ur Thinking That Ur One of, If Not Tha Best Available Out Here...No One Has Ur Fun Level, Ur Enjoyment on Life...And I'm Not Even Gonna Mention Ur Romance or Personal Style.
So Why Do I Have To Go Through Gurl after Gurl, Like a New York City Subway Turnstile...With a List of Beauties That Could Yield $2 Million Dollars Auction...That's a Lot for a Black Book PDF File.

Tonight Though, I'm Writing Cuz I Know Somebody Else is Single, and Mad Sexy and Gathers Attention Wherever They Go, and Just Wonder With a Simple Question...When?
Some Gurl is Out Here Going Down Her Personal Checklist and is in Disbelief..."I'm Sexy...I'm Smart...I Got Money...But I Have Yet To Find My Soulmate Friend."
Mean Have U Ever Been Just So Mystified By Non-Closures of Relationships Or By Unwarranted Rejections...When Inside U Think, "I'm Doing You A Favor By Inviting You To Enjoy a Getaway Weekend?"
They Say That Thangs Happen For a Reason...When U are in Tha Midst of a Door U Can't Unlock Though...Tha World Can Seem Unfair, and U Wonder, "Why Won't U Let Me In?"

So What I've Been Doing These Last Few Years of Meeting and Deleting...Is To Understand How To Make All These Episodes Tha Best Thang That Could Ever Occur.
People Can...Don't Want To Say Hurt You...But Disappoint You in Away, That For Weeks It's Like Ur Walking Around in A Complete and Total Blur.
Then Of Course, That's When Couples Are Making Out in Front Of You on a Sidewalk, Kissing at a Stoplight, Cut on Tha TV and Catwoman is Whispering into Batman's Ear...'Purrrrrr!'
That Gets U Even More Upset Cuz Life is Now Like Rubbing It into Ur Face..."This is What U Wish U Had Right?"...And Of Course, Ur Soul's Pot Begins To Boil With and Angry Stir.

I've Always Been a Strong Believer That Tha More Experiences You Have, Tha Better You Are...And With That I'm Not Just Talking About Sex.
My Life...Like Many Others Has Been a Step-By-Step Process...Weeding People Out, and Getting Close To What You Want...Like a Gurl Who Actually Calls and Not 98% of Tha Time Texts.
From What I've Learned...I Can HONESTLY SAY...That Beauty Comes in All Sizes, For Sure...With Character Being High on Tha List, and Realizing It's Not All About Whose (Cough, Cough) is Tha Most Wet.
Seeing Beauty in Different Types of People Is a Good Thang...Don't Ever Try to Box Yourself into One Particular Type...If You Do, U Might Miss a Good Thang, and End Up Losing Big in Luv's Risky Bet.

So Realizing That Each Experience is Important...While Also Not Letting Other People Choose Tha Kind of Person U Date Or Who U Automatically Attract.
Like For Me...I Like Gurls From Around Tha Globe Literally...Sometimes I Hear Chicks Say That I Date Latinas Exclusively, Which isn't True, and Definitely Not What I Told God to Add in My Luv Contract.
Stated Before That My Track Record Reads like an Opening Ceremony at Tha Olympics....Once Again, That's not Wishful Thinking, That's IOC Fact.
But Sometimes Other People, or Even People U Think Are Beautiful...Don't Believe That They Are Appealing To You...And When U Try 2 Say They Are, They Shut Down like a Chanel Makeup Compact.

That's Why I Say, U Can't Get Discourage, because Somebody Doesn't Open Themselves Up To You, When U Look Up, and See Them Getting Chummy With Somebody Who Ain't Nothing But Trouble.
Our Lifestyle is Something Else...Folks Just Don't Know...We've Invested Too Much in This Casino of Life, and Right Now We're Cashing Out...Double.
Plus, My Personality is Something Where I Want To, and Am Changing Tha Galaxy...Big Time!  So My Style is More Fred Flintstone Compared To Barney Rubble.
I'm Just Saying Tonight, Not To Change Who U Are, Just To Be With Anybody Or Have a "In A Relationship" Status on Social Media...Don't Settle...Or U'll Definitely Hear Tha Bust of Ur Bubble.

Guess This Post is On Tha Single Life Huh...Wherever Our Fingers Lead...Tha Best Thang About Tha Process is That U Learn To Luv Yourself, and Consider Urself A Sundae Delight.
As "May Have Been's" and "Should Have Been's" Leave Ur Life...U See That You Are a Special Person, and U Just Don't Want Somebody Who Looks Good, But Who's Down Should U Get Into A Fight.
"Ryde or Die Chick" or Having a Man Who's "Bout It!  Bout It!" Whatever U Want To Call It Is Important...That Means In Tha Bed, Tha Courtroom, Or While Ur Sick on a Hospital Stay Night.
Cuz It's Easy To Get Comfortable When U Get With Somebody...Those Dinners Are No Longer Consider Special But Expectation...Or Blue BOSU Balls No Longer Come With a La Perla or Vicki Secret Sight.

I'm Gonna Say This...It's Funny, Cuz After a Wild Episode, and Definitely Down Here in Miami, You Usually See That Person Again, After It All Went Down.
I'm a Playboy or "Gangsta" When It Comes 2 Luv, but On Tha Real, This One Gurl Screwed Me Over Soooo Bad That When I Saw Her I Had Tears in My Eyes...When I Thought She was a Cocoa Brown.
For Weeks I Was Just in Total Belief...Thinking She Was So Cute...So Nice...So "Church Gurl"...Dude, I Was Everythang Except Checking Into an Asylum and Getting Issued a Straight Jacket Gown!!
But It's Been J. Lo and Ja Rule Funny, After Tha Episodes...How My Outlook on Those People After Some Time Really and Truly Has Turned Around.

Now If I See Somebody Hanging Out Down Here in South Beach or If I See a Former "Tale" Out In Kendall, Florida...I Almost Giggle...Ok, I Got a Story...

I Remember....(Oh, That Takes Me Back To Those 'Universo' Diary Days!!!)

So I Was At "Work" One Day, and This Chick is With This Administrator Going Around Tha Job Showing Her Around, and Introducing Her To "Tha Gang".
Now...I'm Being Real...I Saw This Gurl Earlier From Tha Back, With This Tall Silhouette, Looking Good in This Sexy Long Skirt, Rockin' Her Wedges, With Her Booty Straight Up Like..."Bang!"
A Few Moments Past, and This Administrator Comes To Where I Was At, And is Showing Her Around...And Then is Like, "This is Austin.", In Which I Looked Up Like..."Oh, Dang!"
Tha Both of Us Immediately Caught Each Other's Eyes, and Knew That We Definitely Knew Each Other, and Had a Small...Or Big...Let's Just Say We Had a History, That Left Me Sour Like A Glass of Tang.

To Make a Long Story Short...This Gurl Basically Stood Me Up For an Event Here In Miami...We Were Supposed To Go Out This One Night For Fun...Nothing in Tha Plans For a Britney/Madonna Kiss.
Even Her Homegurls Were Telling Her How Much Fun She Would Have...Exchanged Numbers...Said She Was Down...But...To Say Tha Least...Dude I Was....
Then To Make Matters Worse, I Had To See This Shorty or Tall-lee on Tha Regular, and I Was in My
Lil Weezy 'Not Giving a Hoot' Mode, but She Would Purposely Avoid Me, Walking Away Amiss.
That Made Me Even More Upset, Cuz Now I Couldn't Get Any Closure on What Went Down That Night...Maybe a Lost Phone, Some Butterflies in Tha Stomach or Even a Flat Tire That Went...'Hiss'.

One Night...And It's Crazy How Two People Who Have This Awkwardness are Forced by Tha Luv Gods To Be Near Each Other...On a Hall and Oates One-On-One or Face 2 Face.
I Think I Just Cracked a Joke...Taking Tha High Road Which is What U Have 2 Do, Cuz Sometimes...Well, U just Have To Be Tha Bigger Man/Woman Just So u Can Continue on Ur Life Race.
It took Dude...Like a Month and a Half For Us To Talk And Happen, but Next Thang I know It...We Got Into a Nice Convo, and She Apologized For That Night, and We Were Once Again Sharing Common Space.
So When I Saw Her Very Recently and We Looked At Each Other is Was Intriguing, and U Can Tell That Tha Mood Did Change in Tha Place.

But...What's Funny, After U've Grown From Experiences and Has U Pile Up Masterpiece Lessons As If U Were Learning from Beethoven, is That U Don't even Look At Those People Tha Same.
Like, I Saw Homegurl, and She Looked Like a Model and Sexy...Somethang Was Missing From My Heart...It's Like All These Guys Think She's Has Tha Jelly, When Ur Like Now She's Toast...Plain.
Same With Gurls Who've Moved On With Dudes...It Ain't Tha Same 'Oh Wow!' Cuz U know They Helped U Become a Better Person, and U Can't Go Back To That "Old You" Choosing White Bread over Whole Grain.
I've Had Endless Situations Where Gurls, After Tha Fact, Have Been Like...'Austin Was Cool or Straight Up'...It Used 2 Drive Me A Little Crazy...Now Though...I Realize That There's No Reverse on My Train.

I Don't Even Know How I Got To Talking About That Gurl or What I Was About 2 Say...It's 10:11 pm and I need Some Rest...I've Learned To Just Live and Not Be Overly Concerned About Finding Love.
It'll happen When It's Supposed To...It Can Be Tough Being Around So Much, but I'm More Interested in Having Tha Coolest and Most Beautiful Friends on My Team...Funny How Angels Are Being Sent From Above.
I Always Believe That Tha Cream Always Rises To Tha Top...I Know That We're...I shouldn't say This...But I Honestly Believe That We're Tha Best Out Here...Heart of a Lion...Soul Of A Dove.
And I Just Want Others Who Have or Going Through Tha Perils of Dating and Relationships To Think Highly of Themselves As Well...Skip Those People Who Don't Measure Up...Now Ur About To Be Cooking Up Hot like a Stove.

Tha Lessons Have Been Learned, and Now Ur More Prepared Than Ever To Enjoy This Life, by First Loving Urself, and Treating Urself like a Queen or King.
There's Only One You on This Whole Globe, And Those Trying Times Has Just Allowed you To Reset, and Reinvent, and Now "0h-63" is About To Be Called....And U've Already Had a Card Reading..."B-I-N-G..."
Yeah, Craziness Happens, and U Don't Understand Why U Got 2 Go Through So Much, but Even Tha Best Fighters Have Had To Get Up Once or Twice Inside of Tha Ring.
Told You, That I'm At Tha Top of My Game, And So Are You...It's Been One Whale of An Elevator Ride To Tha Top...But Now I've Reached My Floor...Tha Floor I Always Wanted 2 Be At...

And I Never Thought I Could Get So Excited By Hearing Tha Simple Sound..

Of A...


With Luv,
Austino Galaxia!

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