

I'm at My All-Time Best.


That's a line right there, but it's so true.  There's never been a time in our life where I haven't felt as motivated, as well on top of my game Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and Sexually as I feel right now at this 9:21pm hour on this Sunday night.

"Somebody Has 2 Pay For This."


That was a quote that rang through our head as Our Trainers put us through a Workout that has us in tha best shape of our life.  I've been a little disappointed this weekend, and I Don't care who reads this.  Cuz as I was Mediating throughout this Weekend, I've wondered, "Why Don't People Get...It?"  How Come They Don't see what and who we are.

Tha Rarest of Tha Rare.


That above quote describes me to a tee.  And That's not cockiness, That's not confidence...That's Factual.  For real.  We are a person who's all about "Tha Team"...At least that's what I thought.  That person who wants to enjoy each moment like it's all of our last.  That guy who's at tha party who's grabbing that gurl or that Grandma and dragging her to tha dance floor so That we make this a night to remember.  That Young Man who enjoys sending "Out of Tha Blue" texts to so-called people who I think may enjoy to hear an enlightening,  motivating word or joke, just so they think that somebody cares for them, and isn't concerned about trying to sleep with them or if they are married or have a boyfriend.

I'm That Guy.


We feel like there's nobody walking this Earth who's More Ready and Prepared for I guess Tha Spotlight to hit. On a Grand Stage.


From every level imaginable, I've Been through it.  And we're still here.  Now though...It's Different.  I used to want everybody to be a part of This "Fun" lifestyle where we all are trying to Change Tha Globe, and Enjoying life at it's highest peak.  Now, it's like I'm being forced to be in an Orbit of our own.  And as I Sit Here tonight eating My Egg White on Whole Wheat Bread Sandwich topped with Lettuce, Tomato, Pickle, Spinach, Red Onion, Green Pepper and Black Pepper...I'm starting to understand what my life is all about and that only a select few are gonna be in it.

'If Everybody Likes You...You're Doing Somethang Wrong.'


At This moment I'm starting...Well, I really Don't necessarily care what people think anymore.  Like I said, if u don't like me for living Tha Dream Life here in South Beach, Blessed from God with Money, Wanting To put Positivity in a Dark Filled World, all Tha While Having One of Tha Craziest Personalities known to Man, Then...

I Can Handle That.


I Used To Really Cry or Kick and Knock Over Ikea Products in My Showroom...But Not Anymore.  But When So Called Perfect Jobs Don't Come Ur Way Even Though U Think or Know That Ur Tha Best Candidate...Or When People Leave Outta Ur Life Without Even Saying, "Austino, Let's Stay in Touch I'm Leaving Out in Tha Morning", U Begin 2 put Ur Life in Perspective and realize That Maybe Ur Life Hasn't really begun Yet, and All That's Been Happening has Been nothing More Than a....

Summer Scrimmage.


One thang about Me is that I Talk in Futuristic Terms.  And U Should Too.  Talk as If U Have Control of Tha Winds of Tha Atmosphere, so That Good Thangs Will Swing Ur Way.

And They Have.


One Day I'm Gonna write an Entire Post on Sharon Stone.  She might just be my Ultimate Crush Right Now, and I Won't Get into It All, but that's Gonna be a Good Post To Write.  I just heard a great interview special with Her discussing what she's learned in her life. One thang I will share is her Knowing that she's not just gonna be a Movie Actress...But How She just knew that she was gonna be a Movie...



And Her describing how it's so Taboo To Discuss Either How Good Looking U Are or How U know Ur Gonna Crack it Big in Our Society.  Almost like people think, "Helloooo, Who Do U Think U Are To Dream Big?  Nobody Makes it Big from Our Town."  People Look at U all Cocked Eyed...Until It Happens and Then it's like..."Oh Snap, She was Right."

Or He Was Right.


I've Always Had a feeling in my soul that One Day...Two Thangs Really..First, I've Felt like Our Life is Gonna Blow Up in a Major Way. I mean, like MAJOR!  I've felt like Our Life is just...Weird. That's Why I Released Tha 'Universo' Diary several years ago....And That's Why People are still reading it from literally all over Tha Globe as I Speak, even though I haven't written in it for several months.  Because Tha stories are just too wild, tha format will never be duplicated, but more importantly tha lessons that I've had To learn Tha Hard way, even Though it's Embarrassing and Disappointing to Get Rejected by That 1% who just don't get that feeling of Fun and Luv That We Possess...But I'm Willing to take a backseat so that somebody not only gets a few laughs on a daily week, but so that lesson of resilency and not giving up so easily can be shown.  I've been blessed in many ways, but I'm not hear on this Earth just so that I Can rock Burberry and Armani...or Just So That I Become Psuedo Famous Driving Around Tha M.I.A....I'm Hear to Make a Difference, and To....

Make a Change.


So One, Even Though nobody wants me to say this, I still feel like we're gonna be one of tha Biggest Stars there ever was.  That's Not a Goal, Mind You...But I just know it's gonna Happen.


Secondly...I've Always felt like I was Gonna End Up With a Really...And I Do Mean Really Super Cool and Drop Alive Attractive Gurl in My Life to Complement My Style, So To Speak.  Not To Get all Spritual, but I've reiterated me as a kid like 14 yrs old,  barely old enough to even know what a Bra was, but me for some reason praying and asking for 'Tha Most Beautiful Gurl in Tha World.'  Kinda Weird Huh?  But for some reason those words would come off my lips.  Not Knowing What that Meant.  That Meant Me Being around some of tha Sexiest Gurls and Woman Around...Yes...But it also means That One would Have to Go Through a Lot of Drama, Flirtations, Hard Lessons, Fake Attractions, and A Lot of Soul Searching on What True Beauty Really Means.

Tha Steps.


One May Ask For Certain Thangs in Life, Not Really Understanding tha Process That it will take to not only prepare U For Ur Dreams But also Tha Tests that come along To See if Ur Really Committed To Keep Going When Tha Road Looks Super Bleak and When It Feels like tha Better U Become as a Person, Tha More Alone U Feel.  Tha Test isn't When U Do Thangs Right, and Then Suddenly Everythang Goes According To Plan...Tha Test is When U Do Thangs Right, and U Still Don't Get What U Thought U Rightfully Deserved.  Its like Studying for an Exam, Putting in Tha Proper Work, and Still not Passing Tha Test.  That's When U Have To Go Back To "Tha Lab" and Figure Out What More Can U Do when U Feel like U've Already Gone Above and Beyond Tha Call of Duty only To Come Up Short.

Confidence Through Tha Struggle.


So As I Go Through These Thangs surrounding This MTV Life I Have, Certain Experiences That Can be touted as Failure, Actually, Believe it or Not, Can Confirm That Ur On Tha Right Track.  I Had a Job Interview or Conversation as I like to call it tha Other Day.  And I was at Total Peace throughout tha Whole Process.  Always Remember...Nothing Beats Experience.  And When U've Gone through thangs time and time again...Either way Ur Emotions are at a Level Head...Not too High...Not too Low.  For Some Reason after a Pretty Intense Process and Really and Truly Our Best Talk With a Perspective Employer...

I Didn't Get Tha Job.


Now...I Look at this Experience on a Whole Lotta Levels.  Number One...I Look at it as a Tune Up for Tha Job That's Really Best for me.  I Had One Major Concern with that job and that was tha Hours.  It was a shift that may have interferred with My Workouts and My Social Life on Tha Town.  I Don't Care How Much Money somebody is willing to pay u, if U Can't Enjoy Tha Spoils of It, Then it ain't Worth It.  Number Two...More Than Ever it Showed Me That....

"I'm Ready."


It's Like Going Out With a Gurl To A Dinner Or a Lunch.  And Just because tha both of U Don't Mesh like u Woulda Wished...I Mean, U Can Still Be on Ur 'A' Game and Still Not Have Tha Gurl Like You or Dig U As U Wished She Would.

This is Getting Real Tonight.


Sometimes We Think when things go or Don't Go Our Way That There's a Problem within Urself.  Man, if I Had a Better Job Title, Or if I Drove Tha New Benz instead of this One from 2007, Or Only if I was Latino...We Come Up With a Gang of So Called Excuses To Why Somebody Doesn't Want You To Be Their Mate or Part of Their Team.  But I'm Learning That Perhaps...Perhaps...What U Wanted Wasn't All What It Was Cracked Up To Be.  Sometimes That Grass Doesn't Look As Cali Green as It Appears.  Or Somethang Like That.  That Job U Craved Might Have had a Tyrant as a Boss...U Only see Tha Money, That Title, and That Hot Babes Working Tha Front Desks, but That Gig Might've Drove U Crazy and Held U Back from Ur True Dreams.


Or U Might Be liking a Certain Person, and See Them Only for Their Stats...Oh, He's A Doctor...Oh, She's a Lingerie Model...Oh...He's A Pro Athlete...Oh, She Has Tha Biggest Butt...All These Thangs That Externally U Feel Makes a Person More Attractive...Even Those Thangs are Cool, and I look at Some of Them Too, When it Really Gets Down To Luv, U Gotta Pick Somebody Who's Gonna be There for U When Tha Chips are Down.  Cuz When Ur Laying on Tha Ground in Pain...Who's Gonna Take u To Tha Hospital.  (Thanks Cyn.)...Or When Tha Doctor Comes in And Closes Tha Door, and Begins To Shake Their Head Like It's Over, Who's Gonna Stand By U?  Or When That Job U Thought was So Cool and Perfect Decides To Downsize, Who's Gonna Be There To Encourage U Through That Tough Times?  Heck, Who's Gonna Help U Look For a New Job?

"There's Another Level."


One Reason I Feel like I'm At that Best I've Ever Been Is Because I know, not think, but Know What's Important in Life in terms of Relationships and Money and Sex and a lot of other thangs Dude.  Money isn't Everythang, I promise U Dude.  And This is Coming from Somebody who was fortunate enough to open up a Second Secret Bank Account just Tha Other Day.  My Mom and Pops don't even know about that...


But...Even Though I Luv My Wardrobe and Closet Which is Filled With Designer Nam...Tha Other Day I was Looking at Certain Double Quotation ""Celebrities"" and This website that was describing what they were wearing and stuff.  And I was looking like...I Got These Looks and Designers right next to me.  With just about ALL of them under Full Retail Price, and With Literally 95% of my Closet Stuck With Price Tags on Them.  That's Crazy!  And Shows how Blessed We've Been, but Also Makes Me Realize That Tha Look is Great, but...

Looks Aren't Everythang.


I Gotta take a Shower Here...I Used to Really Cringe Though When Thangs Didn't Go My Way or When Somebody Didn't Answer a Text or a Friendly Call, But Now...I'm more Confident Than Ever That One Day Those People are Gonna See.  I Always That It Would Be Cool For Somebody 2 Release A Diary As They Were Going Through Tha Process.  I Mean...What Did Brad Pitt Really Think after Getting Rejected on his First Casting Calls?  Or How Did Madonna Really Feel when they called her Crazy and Looked at Her as a Sex Gimmick When She First Started?


See, Anybody Can Talk About Their Past...After They Reached a Certain Level of Success, and After They've Reached a Certain Level of Fame and Money Stature to Where They are Comfortable that whatever they say and do won't change their status.  But it really takes somebody really unique and different, and put honestly....Flat Out Crazy...To Talk in a Way As He's Going Through Tha Process of Getting His Heart Broken or More or Less Disappointed.  Or as He's Trying To Figure Out Who's This Gal Who's Been Worth All Tha Others Who Have Passed Briefly Through Tha Galaxy.

"I'm On Top of My Game."

There's now other way to put it.  And To Make it even crazier, I Have Tha Thirst and Desire To Prove People Wrong.  I know, I Don't Really Care What Certain People Think...But I Want This One.  If That Means Me Writing From My Heart...I'll Do It.  If That Means Me Eating Tuna, To Stay in Tha Best Physical Shape Possible...I'm Gonna Do It.  If That Means Choosing Tha Coolest Gurl in Tha Room Cuz I See Somethang Behind Those Black Tom Ford Reading Glasses...Then I'm Gonna Do It.  I Truly Have a Tupac 'Me Against Tha World' Attitude, Where I'm Willing To Do What Makes Me Happy.  I Know Who I Am...What I Have To Offer...How Good My Lifestyle Is...How I Get Giddy Making Somebody's Day...Or How Excited I Get When I Talk To Somebody How They Met Their True Luv...We're One Of Tha Best, and I'm Not Gonna Talk About It....I'm Just Gonna Live It.  In a Way That There's No Doubt, Who U Want To Be Around.  There's Nobody More Fun...Nobody Whose Gonna Luv U Like I Do...And U Won't Get Better Laughs Than Being Around Us, So We Just Gonna Let This Thang Play Out, and I Promise U Tha Proof is Gonna Be in Tha Pudding.  I Promise You.  We're Gonna be That Proof...And After U Taste Our Pudding, It's Gonna Be So Good That Tha Only Thang U'll Be Able To Utter Is...


Austino Galaxia!

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