
Living In An Igloo.

U Just Never know What a Day May bring Forth...
Tha Possibilities are Endless...like a Miami Frost of Snow from Tha North.
But through it all u Have 2 Remain True and Understand Ur Golden Worth.
Treat Fun and Luv like a Drug...Somehow I'm Not Just a Pusher...But I Also Snort.

We Fired Up...And Ready Y'all...Seemingly That's all That I Can Say.
It's Like I'm Getting a Real Life Training Session...Preparing Me To a Tee For My Day.
Today Though, I'm Taking a Backseat, and Gonna Push Somebody Else 2 Think My Way.
See...Even Though Things Seem Impossible...They Aren't...U Just Have 2 Work Before U Can Play.

Wow!  This Sounds Like it's Gonna be Some Motivational Poem or Some Tha Like.
Not Really...But I'm Determined To Not Let That One Person Feel like Something is Outta Their Sight.
Me Personal...Recently I've Had Too Many Teary Eyed, and "Why Is This Happening 2 Me?" Nights.
That Feeling of The More U Push, Tha Further Ur Dream Seems...Geez!  Just Tha Thought Gives Me a Scary Fright!

When Times Seem at Their Darkest Though, That's When U Have a Chance 2 Look Within.
I know...Wait!  Tha Dish Network went Down...Not Being able 2 See My Dolls on Primer Impacto is Truly a Sin!
I Absolutely Loooove How Those Two News Anchor Gals Dress...So Cool and...Well, They Dress Like I Want My Gurl To...I Guess I Should start This Again?!!
More on Them another Day...But It's Not Fun Looking at a Empty Bank Account, or Ur Single Status, and Still Believe That U Will Win.

But I'm Learning That Tha Game is Not Over...Until it's Over...It Doesn't Matter if Nobody Believes That U Can Rise Up Again.
Or That Everybody Who U Thought Was Cool Left U...And Now U Laugh at Ur Facebook Page When U See Tha So-Call Word..."Friend."
All These Moments are Here To Make You Stronger, and Really Look Deep Down...Right Into Ur Soul's Den.
Sometimes It Allows U To Open Up To Other Possibilities...One Rule To Success Is Knowing How and When 2 Bend.

Yeah...These Last Few Weeks Have Been Something Else...And To Be Quite Frank Gehry With Ya..It Ain't Been Pretty!
Seems like Everyday Has Been Tha Same Story...Trying To Figure Out Why I Am Who I Am...And How Come I Feel Like I'm Tha One Looking So Silly.
U Think...Nobody Else I know Has To Go Through All These Trials...I'm Praying For Change, While They're at Home With There Kids Watching Free Willy.
It's Like As I'm Figuring Out Tha Magic Potion in Tha Lab...This Cold Wind Keeps Coming In...It Ain't Tha AC Either...But It Sure is Chilly.

It's That Frost of Being Alone...Which Can Feel like Straight Up Antarctica...Minus Tha Cute Eskimo Women, and Tha Below Temperature Ice.
That Feeling of Wanting More For Urself, of Ur Life...And Tha Trial of Seeing Other People Getting Entire Pies, When U Only Want a Simple Slice.
All Tha Complexities of Money, Sex and Fame Surround U, When Inside U Think That a Simple Life Of Fun and Luv is All That Will Suffice.
Then U Think About All Tha Good Thangs That People Say or Consider About You...And U Chuckle with Distaste Cuz it Does Seem Like Life isn't Made out for Those Who Are..."Nice."

A Funny Thing Happens Though, As Ur On This Island of Ice...Where Tha Only Other Movement U See, is tha Smoke of Ur Frost.
A New Beginnnig Occurs and U see Things Differently...And a Feeling Inside Begins To Arise, That I'm Gonna Win from This Day Forward, and No Longer Will a Headline Read..."Once Again, He Lost."
Tha Cold Pack of Ice, Where Nobody Wants To Go...Is Where Dreams Become a Reality, and Where U Leave Behind Tha Days Laying on Ur Bed Having a Threesome With Those Girls, "Turn and Toss."
U've Been Set Aside For a Reason...And Things Have Come To Make U a Better Person...Yeah, U Can Have Regular Tile Floors...But Don't U Want a Tile Floor With Some High Quality Gloss?!

(Irella That's For You!)

It's So Easy To Say...I Want a Super Hot Gurl or Mad Rich Guy...Or I Want A Job Where I Make Money in My Sleep...But Shouldn't We Consider That Tha Process To Those Things Come With a Cost?
I Remember This R&B Tune from a few Years Ago..."Wanna Play Tha Boss....Guess What...U Got To Pay Tha Cost!"
Sometimes When Things Begin To Go Heywire in Ur Life...That's Just Means That Ur Mad Close 2 Ur Dreams, and That Ur at Tha Checkout Line, and Tha Cashier is Just About 2 Ring U How Much It Cost.
For Some Things...U Can Use Coupons For...I'm About 2 Get Loose Now...But For Those Thangs Of True Worth and True Wealth...U Gotta Pay Tha Full....

Being A Shopaholic, I Know I Can Talk About This...That Was My Problem...Trying To Use Coupons on Things and Social Situations Where I Have 2 Pay Full Price.
It's Like Instead of Me Getting a MAC Computer, I was settling for a Computer...Like Tha MAC...And With Tha Gesture, U Sometimes are Rolling Tha Dice.
I Can Hear Somebody Now Say, but 'What If I Don't Want a MAC, It Costs Too Much' and For Me To Get That I'll Have To Save Up a Gang of Cheese, and Possibly Even Rob Tha Three Blind Mice!
But See, That's Tha Thing...Are U Willing To Sacrifice To Get What U Really...Really Want?  Or Do U Just Want To Settle, and Not Believe...And Just Hope That U Can Hit Tha Lotto Done Over Twice.

People Talk About Money...U Can Become Rich...U Have To Think Rich...I Mean, And I'm Talking To Myself...Think About This Equation.
U Save $20 A Month For An Entire Year and What Do U Have....That's $240 For a Year...Still Not an Move That Will Make U an Overnight Fortune Magazine Cover Sensation.
But If u Do That For Two Years....Three Years...or Up It to $25 A Month...Or Even $25 Every Two Weeks, Then Trust Me, It Adds Up, and U'll Be a Feature Profile on Tha Golddiggers Site For Dating!
Just Kidding!  But Dreams Can Come True...I Mean, U May Sacrifice a Movie Night or Instead of a High Price Salon U Go To a Hair College To Get U Hair Did...But I'm Learning That...

Tha Height Of Ur Success is Sometimes Determined By Tha Amount of Ur Patience.

U Weren't Fooled, We Just Wrote, 'Hair Did'...Like I Say, I'm Half South Beach Snob, and Half Straight Up Ghetto...Or Ratchet...Or 'Hood' Or Even "Barrio."
But...And It's Tough...Sometimes We Get Upset When Thangs Don't Go Our Way, And We Want To Hop Up and Down in Anger like Super Mario!
Like Today...I'm Seeing Every Type of Gurl Who's Attractive To Me...From Their Hair Style To How They Dress To Height To Full Figure Body To Slender To Model Face...Like Life is Testing Me..."Are U Really Ready Though?"
I Am.  But U Have To Be Exposed To Certain Situations To See If U Want Those Thangs For Tha Right Reasons...Like Do U Want A Job Because it Will Further Career...Or is it Because U Luv Tha Dough?

(Come On Biggie and Jigga...Sing My Song!!!)

So Taking Tha Spotlight Off My Crazy Life...Well, Let's Use Me as An Example...For Me To Get What I Want, I Have 2 Be Taught To Look at Thangs Differently...In a Different Glow.
And That Experience Can Only Come To You...When Ur Alone...On That Island of Ice Where is So Cold...Cuz That's When Ur Thoughts Can Come To You, and Then U Will Know.
So Instead of Wanting a Gurl Just Because Of Her Curves...Ur Forced To Understand That A Real Woman is a Special Being...And Understand That Will Luv U Truly Reap What U Sow.
I Think U Can Prepare For Luv And Success, but I Don't Think U Can Plan It...Cuz in My Heart I Believe That Tha Most Special Moments In Life, Happens When U Simply Let Yourself Go.

I'm Such a Geek, Writing Everythang Down To a Tee...From Grocery Lists, To Items To Buy for My Showroom, To My Dreams Which Sometimes Change Every Week.
Because U Learn What's Important and What's Not...Do U Want To Live Richly Or...Wealthy...Do U Want To Splurge on These J's...or Hang Out With This Gurl That Could Lead To a Bedroom Sneak Peek!
Life is About Choices, Man...But tonight, I Just Want, Me Included, To Continue To Make That Choice To Be Themselves, and Not Run Away From Tha Process Of Getting Everythang That U've Wanted and Seek.
Don't Worry about Those Who May Hate or May Stop Returning Ur Calls or Texts or Whatever...They May Not See Ur Dreams, They May Look Like They Do, But Always Remember...

Just Because U Sleep in Ur Underwear...Doesn't Necessarily Make U A...Freak.

I Want True Freaks...I Mean Tha Kind That Will Let Me Pour Honey On Them and Lick Them From Their Navel Up To Their Nipp...I Betta Stop!
But Sometimes People Seem Down...But Not Reallllly Down...And Instead of Encouraging Ur Dreams, They are Tha Main Ones With Ur Dream Bubble Trying 2 Pop.
It's So Easy To Judge When U Just Got Played and Dumped, Or When U Got Fired For No Reason...Suddenly Everybody is like...They Reached Too High...That's a Crack Lifestyle...Stick To Tha Pot.
They Don't Know That Was The Best Thang That Happened To You...Cuz Now Ur Ready...Just Because Somebody Looks Raggedy During Tha Day, Doesn't Mean When Tha Sun Goes Down They Don't Look Steamy Hot!

(Miami Gurls Taught Me That!  Wink!)

Reaching Ur Dreams Can Seem Long...But They'll Come True...Just keep Believing and Speak and Act like Tha Star That U Are.
Instead of Trying To Be like Everybody Else...Be Tha Original Version of "You"!...Dreamers Don't Follow, but They Actually Set Tha Bar.
I Grew Up a Disney Kid, So I Take To Heart Those Lyrics of..."When You Wish Upon A Star."
Hey, U Freakin' Hot, Sexy, and One of Tha Best Ever...And These Trials are Just To Make U Even Better...Not Bitter...

To a Journey Out of This Galaxy...But Just Let it Be Known...

I Already Got Dibbs on Mars!!!

Relax...It Will Happen!
Austino Galaxia!

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